Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Draft Ranking System

I've come up with at least a start for the N|3C Ranking system. Motor.On somewhat prematurely called himself a Corporal, which undoubtedly he deserves, but so far we haven't come up with a ranking system yet. There needs to be something concrete, so here's my first crack at it. I've only come up with a system for all Counter-Strike games, so here's my run at it. I can't think of a more fitting way to do it than KD ratio. We'll come up with ranks for Halo, AoE 3, and Battlefields 1942 and 2. (I'm not gonna make a distinction between 2 and SF, since they're really the same game. I don't even know if a ranking distinction is necessary between either battlefield game.)

--N|3C Ranking System--

Counter-Strike 1.6 and Source
KD Rank
.50 Corporal
.60 Sergeant
.70 Staff Sergeant
.80 Sergeant First Class
.90 Master Sergeant
1.0 Sergeant Major
1.10 2nd Lieutenant
1.20 First Lieutenant
1.4 Captain
1.6 Major
1.8 Lieutenant Colonel
2.0 Colonel
2.25 Brigadier General
2.50 Major General
2.75 Lieutenant General
3.00 General
3.50 Two-Star General
4.00 Three-Star General
5.00 Four-Star General
10.00 Five-Star General (Leader of the United States Army)

Let me know what you think of that. Seems pretty fair. Five-Star General should be extremely hard to obtain, so that's why it's kd of 10.

-Free Gun Here!

***EDIT*** - I apologize for what I said about alan's rank. I was previously unaware that battlefield 2 keeps its own ranking systems. So we'll just use those. Also, I plan to assign a number to each rank (1, 2, 3 etc...) so that we don't have a separate rank from each game. We'll find the average number so that we can find your average rank. So we still need to come up with ranks for the other games, and then we'll work on assigning a number to each one.


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