Wednesday, January 25, 2006

January 25th Clan Update

Okay we've written too many posts today so I'm going to consolidate them and shorten them into a small(ish) post highlighting the updates for today. Here goes nothing.

Okay, first thing's first - Motor.On got the AoE3 branch of the clan set up. Unfortunately it's in the wrong name, and we're straightening that out now. Also, we're working on creating as a virtual host for the AoE3 server. (It's not a dedicated server, it will only be up when Motor.On starts a game.) We're working on fixing all the problems with the AoE3 Branch right now.

Second, I drafted and then implemented a ranking system for all versions of Counter-Strike and for Battlefield 2 (including all expansions). It's now available at

Finally, S.T.A.R.S. and I installed the WebMod for the CS 1.6 Server. Now, you can go to to see who's playing on the server and their statistics for that round.

Okay that's enough.

-Free Gun Here!


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