Thursday, January 26, 2006

January 26th Clan Update

Hey clan!
Not much for today. The weekend approaches, though, and most of our decisions and updates will occur then. We'll take another crack at setting up the forums this weekend. The issue is that there is some program that acts as a bridge between MySQL and the PHP pages, which is what we need to download. We've tried it in the past, but so far we've been unsuccessful on my server. We successfuly set up forums on last year, but the server crashed and our precious forums were lost. Now we've got to go figure out what we did back then and do it again.

Motor.On informed us of the AoE3 setup. There is no way to set up a dedicated server because Ensemble (or Microsoft) sucks. Personally I think it's Ensemble's fault. Motor.On says it's Microsoft's because they made Ensemble release it early... Doesn't mean they couldn't write a patch or just tell Microsoft to fuck off. (I'd rather see them do the first one, the second would be ugly... but pretty funny...) The clan can stay NerdH if Motor.On wants it to, but I'd prefer if it were N|3C for uniformity. Motor.On should add on an edit to this post explaining again, just for record-keeping purposes, how to join and connect to the AoE3 branch of NoobCakes.

-Free Gun Here!

--AoE3 Clan Directions--
Basically, email
Tell me what you username is and I'll invite you into the clan.


At 7:11 AM, Blogger Motor.On said...

Make me an admin, I can't edit!

At 2:58 PM, Blogger Scott said...

Write the instructions here, I'll edit them in.


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